Toy Store
Toy Store is a collaboration between The Life Center, Whitewater Crossing, and The Community Pantry to bring Hope to our neighbors that are going through a time of shortage during Christmas.
Toy Store is an event that gives parents the opportunity to shop donated toys with dignity and pick out the gifts for their children personally.
Your Support Gives HOPE to a Struggling Parent
We believe you shouldn’t have to choose between heating your home and Christmas gifts for your family. Every year, there are families in our neighborhoods that have to make this choice.
Because of You, Kids Will Still Experience Christmas Magic.
Imagine waking up on Christmas morning with little or no gifts under the Christmas tree. Toy Store prevents children from feeling let down, hopeless, or ashamed because they don’t receive gifts like their friends.
Community Partnered Outreach
We partner with local school guidance counselors to determine which families need assistance. We are so thankful for school partnerships that help us bring hope to their schools.
How To Help
November 17th, pick up a tag from our Toy Story Board a Whitewater Crossing Christian Church, or inside The Life Center.
Shop for a toy that fits the age and gender on your card. Then return the toy to The Life Center or Whitewater Crossing by December 8th.
Pray for the families and volunteers that will attend Toy Store the week of December 8th.
Don’t Like To Shop?
No problem! The Life Center staff has pre selected some great gifts on an Amazon wish list. You can shop online and Prime your toy straight to church.
We are happy to do the shopping for you. Make a donation online, select “Toy Store,” and we will take care of the rest.