Your Compassionate Giving Makes Life Change Possible

How To Donate

Donate Online

All you need to do is click the Donate Now button.

Monthly Giving

Support our mission with a monthly sustaining donation. Your monthly gift will continue until changed or canceled.

Donate by mail or phone

Your support makes a difference. If you prefer to donate by mail or phone, contact us today. 

Employer Matching Gifts

About 83% of companies are now matching charitable donations. While each company has its stipulations, most mission-based, 501(c)(3) organizations focused on community outreach like the Whitewater Life Center are eligible. Some companies offer paid time off to staff when they volunteer with an organization in their community. Check with your employer for details.

More ways to give

Donor Advised Fund (DAF)

A donor-advised fund, or DAF, allows donors to make a donation and receive an immediate tax deduction. You can make recommendations over time about where the funds will go. Consult with your trusted financial planner or tax advisor. 

IRA Accounts

The IRA Charitable Rollover allows individuals who are 70 1/2 years of age or older to donate to charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without that donation being counted as taxable income when it is withdrawn. Consult with your trusted financial planner or tax advisor. 

Tribute Gifts

Make a tribute gift in honor of a joyous occasion or in memory of a loved one. We will send them a card to notify them of your generosity. 

Legacy Gifts

To learn more about Legacy Gifts, such as wills, living trusts, bequests, donations of stock, and charitable gift annuities, consult with your trusted financial planner or tax advisor.

Non-Cash Gifts

Donating items like vehicles, collectibles, jewelry, books, toys, and pet supplies is a great way to support the Life Center. Corporations and individuals donate goods that would otherwise go to waste and the Life Center distributes them to needy recipients. Examples include:

  • Gifts of Life Insurance

  • Vehicles Donations (WHEELS Transportation Ministry)

  • Clothing and Shoe Drives held throughout the year

  • Food and toiletries

Why We Give

John Found Short-term Relief and Long-Term Solutions

John, a 57-year-old, divorced, father of two, showed up at the Life Center in April of 2021. Overwhelmed and suicidal, he saw a “Hope” sign along State Route 128 and out of desperation, turned into the parking lot.

Unemployed, buckling under the pressure of mounting bills, and in poor health, John was physically and emotionally overwhelmed. With a shattered mobile phone, he was isolated and lacking any means of communication. “I can’t go on,” he concluded. “I’m done.” John was without hope.

But John’s story wasn’t over. At the Life Center, he found caring friends who listened to his story. He stated later he felt loved for the first time in a long time, and saw a tiny ray of hope. A new friend listened, prayed for him, and arranged a generous amount of food assistance.

Six months later, he shared, “After a lot of work and saving, I was able to get my power back on! I love you all so much! You saved my life in every way. Thank you for everything.” John found hope, and his story was re-written.