We Help People Grow Through Difficult Times
Call to set up an appointment (513) 738 - 7500

Call (513) 738-7500 to set up an appointment.
Hope is within your reach.
Use your time, talent, or treasure to help give your community hope.
Your help makes all of this possible. Join us on the mission to make Hope Happen.
Get a first hand account of hope when you join our events.

Call to set up an appointment: (513) 738-7500

Jessica’s Story
Jessica is enrolled in the Hero on a Mission program. Listen to what she has to say about The Life Center. We are so proud of her.

Meeting Needs, Giving Hope, and Loving Like Jesus
Every year we give the Pam Sala Sprout Award to someone positivly impacting our community. This year, we are proud to recognize Samantha Cox for giving hope so freely to others.
Upcoming events
Celebrating Seniors
Sunday, April 13th from 1-3pm
Join us as we visit with home bound seniors, they are going to make your day!
Join us for The Hope Open
Sunday, June 8th
Play for a great cause! Join us for our golf tournament fundraiser. You play golf & you give hope! Win, Win.